Top CBSE schools in Mohali, Punjab

 “Alexa, what are the top 10 schools in Mohali under CBSE?”

If you have also been asking your Alexa the same question in the search of the perfect school for your little one, we have the solution for you!

The best of all top CBSE schools in Mohali, Punjab wants to be a part of your child’s holistic development. Best school in Mohali is now open for admission and here is how you can enrol your child-

  1. Visit and click on ‘Apply Now for 2022-23 Session’ on right or ‘Admissions Open for Pre- nursery to Class X’.

  2. After being redirected to a webpage to check admission status, fill the details of session and class you wish to enrol and click next.

  3. Check if you have applied for the correct school, class and session and press next.

  4. Fill the child’s information like name, gender, address, medical needs, etc and click on next.

  5. Note down the form number and password provided to you. The important details which will be used for any further communication / process. Click on next.

  6. Fill the Parent details like name, address, nationality, occupation, office address, educational qualification, email, phone, etc and click on next. 

  7. Complete the payment procedure and print the application form. 

Why is Amity International School one of the best CBSE schools in Mohali, Punjab?

We have multiple reasons to give you why it is the best among many CBSE affiliated schools in Mohali. Advantages your child will receive in Amity-

  • Talented and experienced teaching facility

  • Unique campus

  • Focus on comprehensive and holistic nurturing   

  • Cosmopolitan community

  • Gradual transition from pre-nursery to doctoral programs

Visit today

Contact us

Address: Amity International School, Sector-79, Mohali


Phone: 7743000241/42/43/44


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