Amity International School- Best International school in Chandigarh

If you have been searching for CBSE schools in Mohali, Punjab, AIS Mohali is the perfect choice. With the best technology Integration and various teaching methodology, we, the best international school in Chandigarh, aim to give your child the best possible education and help in their holistic development.

Here is how Amity International School, Mohali is technically advanced-  

  1. Smart Classrooms

  2. E- library

  3. Audio Visual Labs

  4. Audio- books

  5. Integration of E- Resources in the curriculum 

  6. E- books

  7. Language Lab

  8. Updated Computer Lab with latest Hardware and software

  9. Animations and graphic Designing cell 

  10. Robotics Lab 

  11. STEM technology integrated in the curriculum 

  12. Innovation and Incubation Centre

Amity International School, Mohali has easy and tension- free admission procedure. There are just a few documents that will be required during the entire process of admission. Make a note to have a copy of the following and you are good to go. 

  • Self- Attested copy of Date of Birth Certificate of the Child

  • Self- Attested copy of Proof of Residence

  • Self- Attested copy of Aadhar Card of Parents and Child

  • Self- Attested copy of Vaccination Card of the Child

  • 2 Photographs of the Child, 1 each of Mother and Father

  • Transfer Certificate (KG onwards)

  • Report Card of Previous Year(s) (KG onwards)

To enrol your child in the top prenursery school in Mohali, you don’t need to look any further. Here are the hassle-free steps to do so. 

  1. Fill the admission form available online on the website. Visit the School’s official website and click on ‘admission form’ under the ‘admission’ section.

  1. Select the session and class you want to enrol your child in.

  1. After carefully filling the child and parent details, click on next.

  1. Complete the payment procedure and print the application for security.

Your child deserves to be a part of an educational institution which makes their development, overall care and growth the top most priority. Visit and give them what they deserve.  


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