Search for best CBSE schools in Mohali is now over!

 If you’re wondering what makes Amity International the best of all best CBSE schools in Mohali, we’re here to elaborate. 

  1. Academic Excellence

Amity is one of the top 5 CBSE School in Chandigarh, due to its premium academics and smartly curated educational structure. We focus on qualitative education with carefully woven academic programs and expert teaching faculty. Year and again, we see Amitians among the toppers in the boards. 

  1. Global Exposure

Your child gets multiple opportunities to travel and get a global exposure in competitive field. This helps in display a variety of culture to students at an early age which is beneficial to them as it develops their communication and interactive skills with different people and environment. 

  1. Sports and Co-curriculum activities

The most valued individual is that who is an allrounder. At Amity, students are taught to be comprehensive and this is ensured by their participation in diverse co- curriculum courses and sports. 

  1. Value Driven Environment

Nurturing brilliant minds into responsible, moral and compassionate citizen of world is what makes Amity the best among the best CBSE schools in Mohali. Our teachers are caring mentors who help us achieve this goal. Your child studies in a safe space where they have adequate opportunity to express themselves and achieve their potential self.

  1. Admissions in Top- University

Amity wishes to take care of your child’s education even after they graduate from our institution. We have experienced counsellors to direct your child in the right direction for their higher education. Every year, many Amitians join the top universities all over the world. Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge, LSE, IITs, AIIMS, etc are some places you can find graduated Amity students. 

Enrol your kid in the institution which ranks #1 in Mohali CBSE schools list now! Visit today!


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